plants to help you purify the indoor air quality at your home
Plants to help you purify the indoor air quality at your home;
In 2016 we often wonder how to improve indoor air quality? There are a few methods that are well known such as air duct cleaning services or HEPA filters.The air inside our homes or office can actually be two to five times more polluted than the air we breathe outside. Common sources of indoor air pollution are ‘volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from cleaning products, pesticides and other everyday household products as well as out gassing from carpets, furniture or other chemically treated materials. These chemicals and other substances that hang around in the air of many homes cause or exacerbate a wide range of maladies from respiratory congestion and asthma to headaches and nausea. There are many ways you can employ to improve indoor air quality. One of these ways is by use of plants.In this blog post we will talk about a few plants to help you purify the indoor air quality at your home;
It may be elementary knowledge that plants, trees and flowers provide us with life-giving oxygen we all need and that the rain forests are responsible for much of our breathable air. But what may not be general knowledge is that there are certain plants that truly do improve indoor air quality, purifying the air.. The following article will shed light on some of these plants and the ways in which they improve indoor air quality.
Have you ever heard of Sick Building Syndrome? Chances are that most of you have not, and that is not uncommon. Sick Building Syndrome, or SBS, is a combination of ailments (the definition of a syndrome) originating from where one works or lives. Knowing this, and for those who are affected by it, an environment that is consciously designed to minimize SBS is ideal. However, with the fact that most homes and places of employment are not designed or built with indoor air quality in mind, individuals must take it upon themselves to rectify the problem.
In a typical building, there will be pollutants such as carbon dioxide, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde floating within your indoor air. These, and others, are the cause of the pollutants which create the symptoms to SBS. But as mentioned above, Nature is the key to virtually eliminating many of these pollutants and allergens. Even if you are not a gardener by trade or have much of a ‘green thumb’, the 15 listed plants below (which should be easily located wherever household plants are sold) will help you achieve a better quality of indoor air and alleviate many of your symptoms of sick building syndrome.
Scientific Name / Common Name;
1.Philodendron Scandrens / Oxycardium or Heartleaf Philodendron
2.Philodendron Domesticum / Elephant Ear Philodendron
3.Dracaena Fragrans / Massangeana or Cornstalk Dreacaena
4.Hedera Helix / English Ivy
5.Chlorophytum Comosum / Spider Plant
6.Dracaena Deremensis / Janet Craig Dracaena
7.Dracaena Dereminsis Warneckii / Warneck Dracaena
8.Ficus Benjamina / Weeping Fig
9.Epipiremnum Aureum / Golden Pothos
10.Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa / Peace Lily
11.Philodendron Selloum / lacy tree philodendron
12.Aglaonema Modestum / Chinese Evergreen
13.Chamaedorea Sefritzii / Bamboo or Red Palm
14.Sansevieria Trifasciata / Snake Plant
15.Dracaena Marginata / Red-Edged Dracaena
For maximum effectiveness for cleaner and improved indoor air quality, it is recommended that the plants are in grown in 6-inch containers and larger with at least 15 samples of a variety of these air cleaning plants. By improving your indoor air quality you will reap multiple benefits such as:
Reduced allergy symptoms,Fewer problems with asthma,Less coughing,Fewer headaches,Better sleep. You’ll wake up feeling rested, not tired and cranky.
If you are in the market to improve indoor air quality at your home, condo or office space, Dust Chasers is your number one stop, Give us a call toll free for a free consultation:
18556873878 Extension 701
“We Help You Breathe Better”